Coming to the Forteresse de Montbazon
The fortress, built on a rocky spur, dominates the town of Montbazon and the course of the Indre. Located 10 minutes south of Tours, you will find below the accesses, parking areas and itineraries to come and visit the fortress. Prepare your coming on the site in all serenity !
Access and parking
12 - 14 rue du Château
37 250 Montbazon
GPS coordinates
N47177386 - E04246054
Bus access
Two parking areas are provided for coaches (in green on the map). The first one, at the bottom of the fortress, is located along the D910 in the direction Poitiers - Tours. The second one is located at the Tourist Office at the northern entrance of Montbazon.
Car access
Accompanying persons using their own car to come to the fortress can park in the visitors' car park accessible from the southern entrance to Montbazon (follow the "Fortress" signs).

How to get to the fortress ?
From Paris / Orléans or Bordeaux / Poitiers
By the A10, take the exit 24.1 direction Monts / Sorigny / Montbazon. Follow D84A direction Montbazon then D910 direction Tours / Montbazon.
From Angers or Bourges
By the A85, take the exit to A10 direction Bordeaux. Follow A10 then take exit 24.1 direction Monts / Sorigny / Montbazon. Follow D84A direction Montbazon then D910 direction Tours / Montbazon.
From Le Mans
By the A28, join the A10 direction Bordeaux / Tours. Follow A10 then take exit 24.1 direction Monts / Sorigny / Montbazon. Follow D84A direction Montbazon then D910 direction Tours / Montbazon.